GAWD. I have the weirdest siblings.
(Soft drinks can get you drunk too.)
And then....My cuzzie came along!
Now, that you've been momentarily bedazzled by
that AWESOME picture (refer above) which by the way
just radiates with our beauty and AWESOME-NESS,
I'll move on to the next part of the day...
Visiting my relatives on my mum's side :)
(Hari Raya Aidilifitri: Day 1-...Still)
Yep. We visited my grannie's house AND went around to visit the relatives
on my mum's side all in one day!
Which explains the HUGE blisters I got
afterwards. ಥ_ಥ
I'll NEVER wear high-heels during raya
ever again.
Actually, Iprobably would, since I
vowed to do the exact same thing last year
and still ended up buying -the prettiest- pair of
white heels for this year's Hari raya.
Hello there, Kak Liya!
Lesson learnt: Do NOT leave the camera
in the hands of your bored sister.
Well, actually, I had no choice since it WAS
HER camera, so she's entitled to bring it
along anywhere she goes and I'm
not allowed to touch it unless it's an
like for e.g. if Johnny Depp (*_*)
was standing right next to me or something.
Oh! I was eating icecream (yaaaay! free icecream!!)
and so was my lil sis.
Now, if you look at the picture closely, you'll
notice that my lil sis has the coolest eyes
which looks like this --> (>▣_▣)
but its even cooler since it can shoot lasers.
゚ ヮ゚ duh. yarr. how kewl is thatz, maaaaannn.
And PFFFTT. Just in case there are
idiots out there who are wondering,
it IS NOT a photoshopped image. PFFSTTSHH.
And I'll end off Day 1 of Hari Raya
with a set of family photos with
relatives from my mum's side.
The guys
The girls
The cast of the New Desperate Housewives spinoff series:
The Desperate Makciks.
(GAWD. I hope none of my aunts-or my own mother for
that matter reads this.)
(Hari Raya Aidilifitri: Day 2)
Well, technically it's not really Day 2 of Hari Raya
since Day 2 was during my Econs exam.
And I obviously, couldn't have celebrated Hari raya THEN.
But I don't like being technical since
technical reminds me of physics and...
and it should stay that way. Forever.
(thank god. goodbye Snell's and Newton's law, E.M.Fs and P.Ds,
specific heat capacities and the Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope of doom.)
Physics by the way, has the most boring practicals EVER.
Measuring the velocity of the toy car,
squinting your eyes silly
to look through the stupid glass block to measure
the angles of refraction and reflection. (I HATED that practical)
And honestly, counting the osccillations of the damn swinging
metal ball for the umpteenth time loses its novelty after
a while (not that it had any in the first place...)
But Chemistry practicals are a whole different ball game.
I loved titration. :)
And mixing up chemicals too ofcourse.
(although I HATED calculating the mole value of a chemical.)
Downside of it is that the chemicals makes my hands itch
whenever it spills- and it spills a LOT.
No thanks to my lab partners (Dhiya, Shuying and Sufyan).
(Who went to NJC, TJC and RJC respectively. GAWD. I FEEL
Tsk-tsk. Clumsy people.
OMG. I just digressed my way to space.
(ok. lame analogy.I know.)
Now, back to the topic at hand...
The face of a camwhore addict.
This was taken in our house in our room
with the guests lounging in the dining room & living room + balcony.
Yes. As hosts, you are still allowed to camwhore
in your own house in the presence of guests.
Pretty-pretty. Teehee.
whoooo'sss thaaaaattt.
(Hari Raya Aidilifitri: Day 3)
Celebrating Hari Raya with friends!
The main goal of going out with your friends
is NOT to love-hug-bond with them--
Nope. It's actually to get
extra pocket money for yourself.
(My beloved friends, if you're reading
this, that was a joke. *shifty-eyes*)
This especially applies to those poor teens
whose evil parents (like mine) would take your
Hari Raya money (the one you worked so hard to get ;_;)
And would store them in your bank account
which you're not entitled to open until
you're sixty with 7 grandchildren
(well actually, it's until you finish school- that includes
university life- but STILL.)
I only went out with one group of friends
since DHIYA is a LAZY ASS and refused to jalan raya
with us. So I had to cancel my plans to jalan raya
with the other group.
(DIA, I will make sure you get bottles of pretty-pretty glitter
for your birthday next year.)
This is my SJAB group of friends- whom I LOVE-
the people not the CCA (which I miraculously
managed to get A1 for. Lawl.)
Minus HANIF. The other ass who cancelled plans
at the very last minute. How unreliable.
And this is why I was and always will be the better SJAb treasurer.
゚ ヮ゚
The Jalan Raya with my friends didn't start so well since
first off, Nina (Ninaaa. i miss youu!!) was late (as usual).
Then, since we were late, we had to rush to Khatib MRT station
to meet the rest.
THEN, we had to wait for Sufyan who thought we were
supposed to meet at Woodlands instead. So, while
we were waiting for him at Khatib, he was there at Woodlands.
Thus, we decided to go to my house first, so we called him and
told him to wait there. But he was already on his way to
Khatib. =_="
We then, had to wait for him to arrive, and THEN take
the train back to Woodlands.
OMGRIGHT? I know. And I was freaking hot. (teehee.)
Wearing black did not help.
Still, it was fun despite having to go home early since
my Mum called and she was like,"BALIK SEKARANG.
(woah. that was one loooong post.)