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Welcome to lolliepopstick.blogspot.com
Tuesday, September 15, 2009Y
CHOPPER and the notebooks (〃・∀・)/♥

Playing: PSP- Puzzle Quest
(Re) Reading: The Handmaid's Tale by Magaret Atwood
Listening: Unforgivable Sinner by Lene Marlin

(Reposted from LJ ;3)

CHOPPER and Lamb on a butterfly catching trip. :3

Our A levels are fast approaching and so, the school
organized the usual motivational talk to get us hyped up
...for studying. (Which is a paradox in itself)
Anyway, Mr. Paul Chow suggested that we purchase new notebooks-
-to you know, get a fresh start on note-taking... or something like that.

Mr. Paul Chow said it worked for him so I decided, hey why not?
I've got nothing to lose.
I went to Popular that weekend (after my celebrating my
niece's -i feel so old! xD- Birthday -at my Uncle's Semi-D house. Which is so, so pretty. )

Chopper is everywhere. D:

Since, my dad was paying I grabbed a couple of stationaries
along with the notebooks. The pretty-pretty rainbow coloured one
you see above is for GP. (initially, it was for Literature but
I realized it was too small for my big mindmaps :P)

Usually, for GP, I like to take down either critical quotes
or chunks of stylishly wirtten arguments. And the size is perfect
for that kind of note-taking. (brims with happiness - i have no idea why
I'm so happy that I found a prefect GP notebook. xD)

The huge sketchpads there (sadly ) aren't for drawing
- my dad was kept giving me suspicious looks. He was like, "Are you sure,
you're going to use those for studying?"

It's got this nice leathery texture but I can't stand the plain black covers.
My sis brought back these really cute stickers she purchased from some store at ION Orchard.
It's absolutely adorable, so I bugged her to get me some too. xD
Then, I'll have polished black leathery not-so-plain-anymore notebooks with cute stickers.

heart blue w/ glitter 11:27 PM

Bedroom Makeover (・ω・)ノ☆

Playing: NDS - Apollo Justice, Harvest Moon Island of Happiness ( Milk milk milk the cows! )
(Re) Reading: The Handmaid's Tale by Magaret Atwood ,
Listening: Here We Go Again by Demi Lovato

(Reposted from LJ :3 -YES! I'm B~ack!)

Recently, my sister suggested that we should re-paint the bedroom.
And since, I was really tired of the old, pale purple and pink horizontal stripes that
dad had painted like five years ago...
I had a HOORAYHOORAY moment and immediately agreed.

(My mum insists that it's purple and pink but it looks
more like purple and purple honestly xD)

The job of 'Paint Colour Picker' was then entrusted to me! Ohohoho~
I wanted a vertically striped PINK room (awesome, i know)
and chose the prettiest shades of pink. Well... actually, it's not really the prettiest shades.
The shop had a seriously limited colour pallete to choose from.
I initially chose this flamingo-ish pink colour
but then-
-dad went like, "No. That's gloss... "

....Oookay. (Soooo, he doesn't like glossy walls...)
Dad: It's for wood surfaces.
Me: Oh.
Dad: ...
Me: Can we use this to paint the wooden wardrobes then? (I've been wanting to paint them white since forever ;_;)
Dad: ಠ_ಠ /glareglare/ Choose another colour. ( translation: NO.)
Me: ಥ_ಥ

And so, I chose another colour.
My sis and I spent the whole Saturday painting the room.
She painted most of it actually. I mostly helped to measure draw out the vertical stripes.
Anyway, it was well worth it in the end!

(Behold the pink-iness. haha.)

What's on the other side of the room, you say?
(cue suspense music DUN DUN DUNNN)
(WARDROBES. You can never have too many clothes )
And also presenting...

(Isn't it pretty? )
Aaah. I love my room.

heart blue w/ glitter 11:22 PM

Friday, August 21, 2009Y
Temporary Sanctuary

Current Mood: Good.
Listening to: Here We Go Again by Demi Lovato
Playing: NDS Lite - Apollo Justice
Reading: The Handmaid's Tale by Magaret Atwood


(I love House xD)
Temporarily Moving to
(click click the button!)

if that doesn't work, just go to:

EDIT: SRY. decided to keep it private.
For those of you who already know it- HUSH-HUSH.

There's something wrrrongnng~ with blogspot.

The formatting of the edit/post entry page
has gone bonkers.

Bonkers, i tell you.
and, it makes my eyes go @_@
each time I post an entry ):<.

Anyway, I'll leave you with these!

heart blue w/ glitter 7:08 PM

Sunday, November 16, 2008Y
SONY-ness: Like No Other

Current Mood: Frrreeeeaaaked out ◉﹏◉ (Watching SIREN:Blood Curse on YouTube)
Listening to: So Beautiful by Dashboard Confessional
Playing: PS3 - Eternal Sonata, Little Big Planet
Reading: Creation in Death by J.D.Robb

OMG! Home Closed Beta! I love you Sony.

Quoted from the Playstation Network email I received:

"Dear lolliepops (thaaaaatt's me ゚ ヮ゚ )

Thank you for your interest in joining PlayStation®Home Closed Beta Test and/or your purchase on PLAYSTATION®Store, it’s our pleasure to inform you that you are becoming one of the testers for the PlayStation®Home Closed Beta Test to try out the amazing service brought to you by PlayStation®Home. Please follow the following procedure to get the PlayStation®Home for Closed Beta Test and 「NAMCO MUSEUM」(TBC) trial version 「NAMCO MUSEUM BETA」."

Yaaaayyy \(ーωー)/

I've been waiting for PlayStation®Home since -forever-
So when they announced on the PS3 newsfeed that applications
for the PlayStation®Home is now opened to the public,
I quickly signed up for it.

You're required to state why you're oh-so keen on becoming
a tester for the PlayStation®Home.
So, along with a blatant suck-up-to-Sony paragraph,
I included this truly brilliant poem
written by yours truly.

"PS3 PS3,
It is better than the Wii (and the 360 too)
It's so black and shiny
When would I get my God of War 3?"


I was going to add a verse which went along
the lines of "PS3 PS3, Buy already no money".
But I decided against it.

Now, that I think about it, I've never even played a
GOW game before.
( GOD of War, Not GEARS of War. Pfft.
That generic 360 game.)

I just like to jump into the teeny-bopper
bandwagons. ゚ ヮ゚

Talking about loving Sony.
They really are my favourite electronics brand. :>

+ The Bravia + The PS1 + the radio+ the fat Sony TV in the balcony
(all of which are not included in the pic)
= The Sony Family.

Now, all we need it a Sony Vaio to complete the set. :D
(Why did my Sister get the Fujitsu Lifebook instead? ಥ_ಥ )
Moving on...

Remeber how I mentioned that my PS3
has internet connection problems?

It's actually because the walls block the
signals from the modem.

Since, the PS3 was in the BALCONY which
was two to three rooms away from the modem,
it explains why the internet connection
was around, at most, 15%.

So, after MUCH prodding,
our parents allowed
us to move the PS3 to their room
(i.e the master bedroom)

which is right NEXT to the study room where the
stewpit (◉_◉) Singtel Mio Modem was located.

(you know...the talking modem in the Singtel
advertisments they used to show on TV--
well guess what!? It CAN'T talk.

That made me soooo happy since
the internet connection went up to around 75%.
゚ ヮ゚

But I guess we were bothering them or something
by playing in their room.
AND we didn't have a proper plave to place
the (shinyshiny) PS3...

So...my parents decided to
get us a TV (!! *SPAZZES*)
in the STUDY room! (ah...the irony)

Not in our bedroom since
"our bedroom is for sleeping and nothing else".

But- yeah- the TV!

Went to IMM- Best Denki.
Met the most ANNOYING salesman who
INSISTED that we get the Toshiba one
since it was $100 cheaper.

(B-but you get a free $100 voucher
along with the purchase of the SONY Bravia-
so it adds up to the same price really!! O':)

Soooo, anyway after 3 loooong days,
it finally arrives!



And with the internet connection (now a whopping 100%!),
I was able to download the Ninja Gaiden 2 demo!

Awesome controls. Great Demo.
Very, very fluid motion.

I also downloaded the demo for
SIREN: New Translation/Blood Curse or
whatever they decided to name it now.
(along with Heavenly Sword, Resistance...etc.)

That game freaks me out.

I can't even get past the 1st zombie. ಥ_ಥ

I love horror movies and
although I do love WATCHING others
play horror games,
I don't have the guts to play them myself.

Which explains why I -still- have NOT
finished my Silent Hill: Origins.

OMG!! It's behiiinnndd youuu, dammit! ಥ_ಥ

If anyone is up for a horror game,
please come to my house
and finish the Demo.

And if my sisters are up for the challenge,
I'll even buy the game myself
just to watch them play
since the game looks really good
and has also received good reviews.

But you know what!

I'll just watch the whole thing on YouTube. ⊙3⊙

I did the same thing for the Silent Hill series.


And no kakak, I do NOT
want Silent Hill: Homecoming
for my birthday.

Ooohs~ It sparkles too!

I hate reading instruction manuals.
So when the TV was all set up,
I man-handled the PS3 and the TV
to get it connected without the
help of one.

And uh....That didn't work so well.
All i got was screens and screens
of white noise. TT_TT
(which was kind of freaky after a while... ;_;)

My mum then made me sit aside
and read the damn manual.

But I cheated ⊙3⊙ !
I just scanned through it.

Finally, it was the combined effort
of both my parents (who read the manual), to get
the PS3 connected to the TV.

Since it was a HD TV, I expected the graphics

it was sooo ugly. You could see the pixels! ;_;
The pixels! (lawl. i'm such a geek.)

Haha. I then realized that you
needed a HDMI cable to get HD graphics,
so my dad and lil sis went to Courts to purchase one.

We got it connected and the
graphics were AMAZING!
It makes a whole WORLD of difference.

That's a screencap from Folklore.

(Please ignore the random comments/doodles.
I was kind high on excitement when I was doing that.)

As in Ellen from Folklore.
Not Ellen Degeneres, people.

Eternal Sonata & Little Big Planet!!

After getting our passports renewed, my dad
suggested that we go to Funan Centre
since he wanted to get a new anti-virus and
internet protection software.

But!- We didn't get one (since my dad couldn't
decide on getting either
Norton or PC-cillin or AVG =_="
They all look the same to me).

Instead, he bought a game for each of us!
Little Big Planet was a given ofcourse!
It's received so much spotlight from
the gaming world!
I had to have it.
Eternal Sonata was another matter.

My lil sis and I had tried the Eternal Sonata demo
(which was in JAP ;_;)
and we fell in love with it.

Buuttt- my lil sis wanted Devil May Cry 4 too-
which by the way, is really hard to find in game stores
around Woodlands.

Since I was dying (no duh. not literally),
for a RPG game- I gave my lil sis

And she got Eternal Sonata instead.゚ ヮ゚

Don't give that "you selfish biatch" look! O:<

You seeee~ I've got it all
calculated in my mind.

Devil May Cry costs around $60.
Eternal Sonata, on the other hand,
costs around $90.

I'm willing to fork out $60
(and if it's shared with my lils-
that makes it $30!) for a game.

But $90? Uh. No, thank you.
So...we should get my dad to
pay for the more
expensive game, no? :D

Then, we can buy the cheaper one ourselves!
(ok. That still makes me sound like a selfish ass.
oh well.)


Moving on...

Polka (No really. That's her name.) & Alegretto.
Where do these people get these names?
So, was Eternal Sonata worth that $90?

The thing I truly fell in love with this game
is its story and characters.

The thing that I could't stand were its dungeons.
Of course the dungeon takes many forms:
e.g green meadows, the sewers, a cemetry, a pirate ship.

And the dungeons DO look good but...
The bottom line is
a dungeon is still a dungeon.

I do enjoy fighting the monsters but
it gets really tiring after a while.

Especially since you have to do a LOT of
backtracking (ugh. which I hate)
to get all the treasures.

Nevertheless, it really is good, solid RPG game
which would hopefully satisfy my fill
until Final Fantasy XIII come out.

(But the one I'm going GAGA for is
Final Fantasy XIII Versus- which looks
too cool!
Too bad it's scheduled to be released after FF13-
ಥ_ಥ )


The prettiest Blu-Ray CD print by far. :)

Why, Hello there, Sack Boy.

Little Big Planet is a game which is
said to let you share, create and have fun.

And it really allows you to do
that and so much more.

You'll start off with a naked brown sack-boy
and you'll have to go through an easy to follow
tutorial level before arriving in your.....

Isn't my pod so pweety?

YESH. That's my pod.

Of course, you'll get a plain, empty cardboard
box of a pod at first.
With the PS3 controller as your throne.
But you're allowed to decorate your pod with
the stickers that you get throughout
the levels!

Me and my lil sis.

One of the many perks of LBP is
the ability to play with your friends-
both offline and online!

Playing with friends is crazy fun.
But be prepared for stomachache-inducing
moment from hours of laughing.

If you're tired of how you look like,
you can easily makeover your
sackboy-or girl with the many
costumes you've collected.
(or downloaded...or purchased from
the PlayStation Network.)

When you've decided on the look
you like, you can just save the whole costume, for future use.

Other than costumes, you'll also want to collect

any stickers you've spotted throughout the levels.

Stickers can be used to decorate
your pod or even yourself.

And if you feel like being annoying,
you can paste the stickers on other players too.
゚ ヮ゚

PLUS, you can also CAM-WHORE(!!) in LBP too!

They allow you to take pictures with
your buddies everywhere!

And after taking those pictures,
you can paste them in your pod,
create huge billboards of yourself
during the level creation mode,
or even paste it on huge objects while you're
playing through
the level itself.

The Level Creation Mode.

Use your gadgets to create your own levels
and share them with the LBP community!

Real Physics do apply in the level creation mode
so you've got to be careful,
since your towers can topple down
and crash into your other buildings~

All in all, Little Big Planet is a truly
FANTASTIC game- which also
gives you trophies that you can show
off to your PSN friends/buddies!

(Haha! It's like I'm promoting LBP or something~)
Yup. And That's it. <33

heart blue w/ glitter 2:27 AM